Our platform  is built to orchestrate, manage and communicate physical and digital robots, physical objects and processes that allow us to interact safely and intelligently with people and the environment.


IoRT systems can collaboratively act intelligently and achieve skills such as decision-making, automatic maintenance, prioritization, or process optimization.

Robotic things are capable of running processes while monitoring the environment. If a change occurs, they are able to recognize it and act autonomously in an appropriate way, making optimal decisions.

Easy and fast communication with people is increasingly a key point in IoRT platforms. In the platform, thanks to the integration of systems such as Chatbots, direct communication with the systems is facilitated in an easy and intuitive way. Process integration not only occurs in the universe of robots or robotic things, but also in the daily tools that people use. So can integrate tools such as email, spreadsheets, EPRs, CRMs, messaging, etc. directly with robotic systems, providing an agile way to introduce changes, order new processes or simply obtain feedback or information.

Beyond simple sensorization, the advancement of AI and machine learning has allowed robotic things to work using learning algorithms and cognitive information, providing much greater versatility and speed in implementation. Fields such as artificial vision, mobile robotics and learning algorithms and in general the multidisciplinary nature of the IoRT provides solutions that enrich each other.

The sum of all these capabilities and joint communication allow the convergence of real, digital, virtual and cybernetic environments and the creation of combined intelligent environments. is deployed nowadays for Utobot Systems. Soon it will be open to other companies and organizations who desire to implement an Internet of Robotic Things Platform.

(Version in spanish of this text )